New publication by Hamid: Ecosystem Disturbance Recovery: What It Was or What It Could Have Been?
Hamid led a study that explores traditional vs. counterfactual views on ecosystem recovery in the age of climate change. Traditionally, recovery means bouncing back to a pre-disturbance state. The problem? It assumes a stable ecosystem, …
September 4, 2024New study led by Meng Luo: Impacts of Forest Management-Induced Productivity Changes on Future Land Use and Land Cover Change
We found more intense forest management leads to smaller land use and land cover changes and helps preserve natural lands by 2100. See details at
August 22, 2024Fujiang and Fa led a publication on the transferability of PLSR models for leaf trait estimation: lessons from a comprehensive analysis with a novel global dataset
We compiled a comprehensive dataset of leaf traits and spectra to explore the transferability of predictive models. We found that while PLSR models demonstrate commendable performance in predicting chlorophyll content, carotenoid, leaf water, and leaf …
May 9, 2024New paper in Nature Climate Change: Xiaojia and Fa led a study investigating Boreal-Arctic wetland methane emissions
“Methane concentrations are rising faster than ever in the atmosphere. Now, a compilation of observations points towards increased methane emissions from Arctic wetlands as being partly responsible” – Commented by Torben R. Christensen Check out …
March 15, 2024Hamid won the 2023 DIH Postdoctoral Fellowship – Congratulations!
Wisconsin is the second-largest dairy producer in the US, but the industry is facing challenges, including climate change and changes in dietary patterns. US climate policies, including carbon pricing, are complex due to variations between …
November 22, 2023New Research Published in Earth’s Future Explores the Impact of Uncertain Future Land Use and Land Cover Change on Land Carbon Dynamics
Today, an important study led by graduate student Meng Luo, with contributions from Fa Li and Hamid Dashti of our lab, has been published in Earth’s Future, shedding light on the uncertainties surrounding future land …
September 28, 2023- More News